martes, 11 de octubre de 2016


Hay distintos tipos de Essays:

  • Opinion Essays
  • For-and-Against Essays
  • problem solution Essays
Como escribir un opnion Essay:
Primer párrafo:
Introducir el tema y dar la opinion. Decir si esta de acuerdo con el tema o no.

Segundo párrafo:
Dar una razón para apoyar su opinión.

Tercer párrafo:
Dar otra razón para apoyar su opinión.

Cuarto párrafo:
Resumir las ideas y hacer una conclusión general de lo que piensa.

Vocabulario útil para escribir un Essay:
Para expresar su opinión:
In my opinion, …. 

Personally, I think/ I believe (that)…
I strongly believe that…
To my mind….
In my view,…
I am sure/ convinced that …
I (completely) agree/disagree with …

Para dar razones:
One reason for… is ….
Due to…
Many people say/ believe that…
My main reason is….

Para agregar ideas:
Moreover/ furthermore/ in addition (to)Apart from (that)…Firstly,…First of all,…Secondly,..Lastly,…Finally,…

Para concluir el Essay:

It is indeed true that the amount of water available for use is declining at an alarming rate. It is a matter of concern for many nations. Reasons and possible solutions of this are discussed in upcoming paragraphs. 

The primary cause which we can take into account is advancement in technology which has altered the way people live. Nowadays, many electronic machines are being used by people at home which consume a lot of water and have made every work easy. Moreover, people also like to use these products being unaware of the several consequences of this. For example, most common product, which almost every family owns is washing machine. It requires a lot of water to wash clothes in washing machine but people find it convenient and use it ignoring its detrimental effects. 

Second reason, according to me , is ignorance. Most of us are unaware of the effect that quantity of water on this globe is fix. Once demolished, It will be impossible for us to get this precious element. If this happens, end result will be extinction of life from earth. 

Confronted with this serious problem, governments and concerned authorities are seeking feasible solutions. First of all, some endeavors must be done by government to make people aware about the importance of water. Stringent rules should be implemented by government for those who waste water. Tax can be imposed on people who use water in excess to discourage them to use water in excess. 

In a nutshell, this is a problem which needs earliest attention. Being an inevitable part of our life, water is necessary for the survival on our planet. So, to save life on earth for our future generation, it is essential for us to come forward and take some steps. 

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